Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tepat hari Kamis, 25 Juli 2009 aku mendengar kabar bahwa Michael Jackson meninggal. Waktu aq mengetahui beritanya pertama kali lewat sebuah acara berita di salah satu televisi swasta aq sempet nggak percaya q kira yg meninggal ayahnya eh ternyata beneran si Jacko.
Jujur aq jg ikut sedih dengernya coz walau q g begitu tau banyak tentang lagu" Jacko tapi aq jg suka banget ma Jacko karena gayanya yg khas.
Kematian Jacko juga menimbulkan kesedihan di seluruh dunia karena kabarnya Do'i mau ngadain konser di London bulan Juli nanti
Tapi...aku cuma bisa mendoakan saja semoga Jacko bisa menemukan kedamaian di dunia sana..
Q sempat bingung jg sih sebenernya agama Jacko apa? dan terakhir q denger Jacko dah masuk ISLAM jadi...buat para muslim yg mau mendoakan Jacko berdoa aja
Monday, June 15, 2009
Farewall Party
Wah....acara farewall party di school-q emank heboh banget deh...!!!
N pastinya ini the biggest event coz tahun ini in my school lulus 100 % 'n my role in this event are be host, choir, n dancer.
Acara yang dimulai jam 9 sampe jam setengah 2 ini terbilang seru...!!! Gimana g seru coba coz acaranya ada tari tradiosional, tari kreasi, tari modern (dance), band, n dangdutan pastina...he...he..
'N kalo loe bilang acaranya g seru ih...g mungkin deh cz banyak banget penonton yg tak diundang memadati area bukan penonoton alias di luar area school.
Acara ini juga bilingual loch...!!!cz pake 2 bahasa, indonesia n inggris.
Untuk acara ini my school juga punya special guest og yaitu Fetish band (band klaten), n Teraz band (band yogya).
Btw di acara itu q dapet CD album 'n poster dari Fetish band loch...!!!(he..he...lumayan gratis...) 'n lagipula anak" Fetish juga gokil" n supel" loch....!!! sumpah g bakalan nyesel deh kalo loe dah kenal ma anak" fetish.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The best of england's football team "MANCHESTER UNITED" will hold their summer tour and in 2009 they hold "ASIA TOUR 2009".
And below the scheduled that i get from manchester united webiste
* MU vs MALAYSIA XI , July 18th 2009
* MU vs INDONESIA ALL STAR , July 20th 2009
* MU vs FC SEOUL , July 24th 2009
* MU vs HANGZHOU GREENTOWN FC , July 26th 2009
I can't wait the Friendly game between The Red Devils vs Indonesia All Star because it will be so nice, I can watch my favorite football team come to my lovely country.
Although i can't see MU live but i can watch them live on TV.
Truthly i really want to come to Gelora Bung Karno Stadium to see the UniteD live but in fact i can't coz my holiday is over and i live in a little town that so far from Jakarta , i live in Klaten a little town between Solo and Yogyakarta.
But i'm really exchited to wait them in Indonesia, see ya next July at 20th.
The Big HapPeN at June 10th
Wow..There are a lot of big happen at June 10th such as the day the declaration of peace election from the candidate of president election of indonesia, and of course inaguration of "SURAMADU BRIDGE". But thE BigGesT is... My 17th Birthday....!!! It's so funny and i'll never ever forget this.
Awal mula kejadian ini bisa dikatakan mendadak coz sebenernya aq baru dapet ide ngerayain dischool n bareng semua anak "NC" tepat selasa siank he..he...
Habiz pul skul q langsung beli semua bahan n of course my mom help me he..he... coz kalo mamiq g bantuin q ya jadi cap'ek dekh.
Tepat jam 00.00 WIB tgl 10 Juni 2009 pengennya sih q bangun n make a wish but kenyataannya q bangun jam setengah 2 pagi he..he..
N jam 2 pagi q bangunin mami wat bikin nasi kuning gitu...sebenernya g tega juga sih gue ngerepotin ortu but mau gimana lagi cz hari ini q juga masih semesteran hari terakhir dan mapel yg diujikan matik n Tkj pula ugh...beneran otakq wat belajar matik kalo di ping balesannya cuma
"destination unreachable..."
"destination unreachable..."
N the shownya habis semesteran pul skul semua temen"q pada ngumpul di ruang X and q cabut duluan 5 si sasha wat ngambil Tart-na tuh gbrna ada dia atas enakKan...???(hlem....hlem...)
Acara dimulai dan semua temen" dah ngumpul tapi ada satu hal yg bikin gokil yaitu qta" g boleh berisik coz anak kelas 1 masih ada yg masih ujian so...kalo qta rame atw bersorak keras dikit pasti ntr ada suara ssstt...ssstt...
Tapi hari itu beneran gokil n lucu ya setidaknya itu jadi Unfogettable moment for me coz q bisa ngerayain my 17th birthday with all my friends, specially anak" NC (alias NarziZ_Commun!tY)
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